Reheated SoufflĂ© 



Yes you can


Friday, December 28, 2001

Growing up in New York, part of the Christmas morning tradition was WPIX's Yule Log. Puzzle - how was it that after 3 or 4 hours it never seemed to turn to ash? THAT was the miracle of Christmas. Well, after a 12 year absence it returned this year burning the competition in the ratings.

Speaking of narcissism, The Smoking uncovers some contract riders on a regular basis which expose the entertainment industries' eccentric divas (and devums, too.) JLo gets the latest award. I wonder if the flowers have to be room temperature too??

For pure narcissism, you can't beat the Clinton confab held up in his new Harlem digs. Spin City is alive and well. Richard Cohen takes a sip of the Clinton Kool-Aid and concludes Bill would have been done more against bin Laden - if only the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy hadn't distracted him. Luckily, back here on Earth, Professor Baker sees the meeting for what it really was - sad.

Monday, December 24, 2001

Merry Christmas all!
While most of us were enjoying friends and family over the holiday, poor Michael Moore was running around book warehouses with "White-out" and erasers, scribbling furiously while an impatient publisher drummed her fingers. Some more proof that the post 9/11 world will be very different for some of those smug, suddenly un-funny "social commentators."

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