Friday, December 28, 2001
Growing up in New York, part of the Christmas morning tradition was WPIX's Yule Log. Puzzle - how was it that after 3 or 4 hours it never seemed to turn to ash? THAT was the miracle of Christmas. Well, after a 12 year absence it returned this year burning the competition in the ratings.
posted by Duneview
3:03 PM
Speaking of narcissism, The Smoking Gun.com uncovers some contract riders on a regular basis which expose the entertainment industries' eccentric divas (and devums, too.) JLo gets the latest award. I wonder if the flowers have to be room temperature too??
posted by Duneview
3:00 PM
For pure narcissism, you can't beat the Clinton confab held up in his new Harlem digs. Spin City is alive and well. Richard Cohen takes a sip of the Clinton Kool-Aid and concludes Bill would have been done more against bin Laden - if only the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy hadn't distracted him. Luckily, back here on Earth, Professor Baker sees the meeting for what it really was - sad.
posted by Duneview
2:57 PM
Monday, December 24, 2001
Merry Christmas all!
While most of us were enjoying friends and family over the holiday, poor Michael Moore was running around book warehouses with "White-out" and erasers, scribbling furiously while an impatient publisher drummed her fingers. Some more proof that the post 9/11 world will be very different for some of those smug, suddenly un-funny "social commentators."
posted by Duneview
12:13 PM
